I am a 4th year doctoral student in Computer Science at ETH Zurich, fortunate to be advised by Andreas Krause and Peter Bühlmann. My Ph.D. is generously supported by a Google PhD Fellowship. I am interested in statistics, optimization, and machine learning, often in the context of reinforcement learning and sequential decision-making.
This semester, I am at Carnegie Mellon University as a research scholar advised by Aaditya Ramdas. This appointment is supported by the ETH Zurich Doc.Mobility Fellowship.
In 2024, I was a student researcher at Google DeepMind where I worked on fundamentals of RL for LLM alignment hosted by Olivier Bachem. Prior to that, I interned at Apple MLR with Marco Cuturi, developing a solver for the Optimal Transport problem.
I completed my M.Sc. at ETH, under the supervision of Andreas Krause and Fanny Yang, with a thesis on Contextual Neural Bandits. Before coming to ETH, I did a dual B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Sharif University of Technology. My thesis was on Visualizing Adversarial Attacks on Convolutional Neural Networks, which I wrote with Nassir Navab and Federico Tombari at TU Munich.